This page in the sketch book had been solely based upon symbols I think represent myself. This includes: nationality, personal interests, current events in life and passions. I had used the simple and basic pencil sketching method in this piece and hadn't added colour, because then I would feel obligated to also colour in the background which I don't think is necessary because it is just the planning process and progress will be shown based on this piece. The top corner of the page mainly represents nationality (Egyptian). In my opinion, I have the ability and it would be preffered if I had expanded more on nationality views and historical symbols (Hieroglyphics) due to the fact that it is more of an interesting subject and aspect to focus on. I enjoyed linking symbols to others (eg. the musical note connected to the bird) because they don't only physically link to each other but also realistically.
You were advised to make your pages visually exciting. Add color, use texture.